Film & TV Language: Cinematography blog tasks

1) Write an analysis of the cinematography in the opening sequence. Highlight your use of media language and try to cover camera shots, angles and movement using the terminology we have learned in lessons.
2) How does the camerawork give the audience clues about the setting, narrative and character?

In the beginning, the camera is at a high angle which establishes whatever character they are showing will be powerful and strong and maybe the most important character in the show. Then the over the shoulder shot creates a sense of ominous vibe because the setting keeps going out of focus. Also feels like we are following the character making us seem more curious who they could be. Then we get a long shot to understand the setting of the show and where it could be located. Then we get a close up shot of her her feet while she is walking to shows the importance of location the character is walking towards.

3) Find and analyse three film or TV stills. Embed the images in your blog and analyse the camera shot/angle and what they communicate to the audience.  

2 Person Shot
From a perspective of a waiter
They look like enemy because they are on either sides of the frame.
The angle is at eye line.

This is a close up shot.
This enhances her facial features as she looks happy, emphasised by the sun. The shine in her eyes conveys hope in life as the shot is at eyeline.

This is a high angle show.
Shows the character is dominating and powerful. It also in a dutch angle which makes the scene disorientating which may convey him to be the villain and as an audience we are the victim.


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